Saturday, February 10, 2007

Anderson, Evans, Hooker and Beauregard

For our last update of the week we add four American Civil War biographies. For the Confederacy we add Robert H. Anderson, a general who was present at just about every major battle in Virginia, Nathan George Evans, a general whose early achievements results in promotion beyond his abilities, and Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard, one of the victors of First Bull Run. For the Union we add Joseph Hooker, one of the more controversial general of the war. Despite a very high profile failure at Chancellorsville, and a resignation only days before Gettysburg, Hooker's career continued until he resigned for a second time, just outside Atlanta.


Brian Downey said...

I'm thinking you meant Richard Heron Anderson vice Robert.

John Rickard said...

Oops! Thanks for pointing that out - just correcting it now.