Sunday, August 19, 2007

Coronel, Falklands, Neuve-Chapelle, Vimy Ridge and Noyon-Montdidier

The Battle of Coronel, 1 November 1914, was the worst British naval defeat of the First World War
The Battle of the Falklands, 8 December 1914, saw the defeat of a squadron of German cruisers under Admiral Maximilian von Spee
The Battle of Neuve-Chapelle, 10-13 March 1915, was a small scale battle in Artois fought in advance of the main Spring offensives of 1915.
The Battle of Vimy Ridge, 9-13 April 1917, was one of the best planned battles of the entire First World War. Part of the wider Second Battle of Arras it saw the Canadian Corps capture Vimy Ridge in a single day.
The Battle of Noyon-Montdidier, 9-13 June 1918, was the fourth of General Erich von Ludendorff’s great offensives of the spring and summer of 1918

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